Creating the Essence of You
A Magickal Journey
Monthly gatherings for those ready to reclaim their lost voice and rewrite their stories
As we travel through life, we sometimes lose connection with deep and important aspects of ourselves.
Most of us are looking for ways to connect back to those parts of ourselves, our intuition, and to a community of people who share similar wishes and desires.
What about you? Are you looking for ways to...
Tap into your innate inner wisdom?
Reconnect to your higher self?
Connect more deeply to the world around you?
Use ancestral wisdom to sync to the seasons?
You are not alone.
My spirit call is magic. I'm here on this earth to guide womxn on an inward spiral to themselves. To their core. To their ancestors. To spirit. Once found, the journey back out into the true essence of ourselves begins.
At the heart of it, my work is driven from my own desire to connect back to those parts of myself I lost along the way, my intuition, magick, and to a community of people who share similar wishes and desires.
I create the spaces and journeys I deeply desire and invite others into that space.
Together we'll gather monthly to journey through the seasons, exploring where we get separated from our true self. Our gatherings each month will give you opportunities to connect with the richness of your own creativity, magick, and to return to wholeness.
You’ll learn to unleash your inner magic, your creative being, your true desires with authentic connection, shadow work, ritual, and laughter.
It’s time.
Upcoming Magickal Gatherings
Gathering the Bones
October is full of magic and ripe with ways to connect to yourself and your ancestors (hint, they’re not just blood relatives). To our older ancestors, death was an inevitable thing that did not necessarily mark an ending, but rather the possibility of another beginning elsewhere. In current society, many of us have lost this deep connection and reverence for the never-ending cycle of death and rebirth.
The Celtic festival of Samhain, which falls on October 31st, is about honoring our ancestors and the changing season, a time of letting go and entering into the quiet inward time of the year. It is about the cycle of death and rebirth in all aspects of our lives.
Learn about the ancient and magickal energy of Samhain
Discover who your ancestors are and why they’re important (and why they’re waiting for you to remember them)
Create an ancestor altar from things already in your home
Design a daily ritual of gratitude to honor and connect to those that have passed
6 PM PDT / 7 PM MDT / 9 PM EDT
Holiday Survival Kit
November brings us to the hectic time of the year, where many of our own wants and expectations collide with that of our family. This month’s focus is on ways to ground yourself before the holiday rush and setting boundaries you’ll thank yourself for later! As we move back into the world, and for some of us in person holiday gatherings, good boundaries are needed now more than ever.
We’ll spend time exploring and visioning your ideal holiday season. This sets the stage for you to understand what you want your holidays to look and feel like, so you can design and communicate boundaries to make that vision a reality.
This is a low-stakes, fun environment for you to dip into some simple magick to help you stay aligned with your boundaries (‘cause family boundaries are always tougher than work boundaries!).
5 PM PDT / 6 PM MDT / 8 PM EDT
The Longest Night
Winter Solstice is the longest night of the year. It is the tipping point where the sun begins to grow strong again. Gather with others to honor the darkness, release what you no longer need, and celebrate the coming return of light by creating the ideal version for your new year.